Carbon Credits

CarbiCrete generates and sells high-quality verified carbon credits for buyers looking to offset their emissions. When you buy credits from CarbiCrete, your purchase helps produce high-value construction products, the use of which contribute to the decarbonization of the built environment. Carbon that is mineralized in concrete is embedded forever and will never return to the atmosphere. Contact us to learn more.

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CO2 Curing

Our patented curing process involves the injection of CO2 into a curing chamber where it reacts with the steel slag within the fresh concrete. During the carbonation process, the biogenic CO2 from ethanol fermentation is permanently captured and converted into stable calcium carbonates, filling the voids of the matrix to form a dense structure and giving the concrete its strength.

Learn more about the chemical reaction at the root of our process.

Buy Carbon Credits

3Degrees, a leading climate solutions provider and certified B Corporation, oversees the quantification and verification of the emissions reductions generated by CarbiCrete’s technology and manages the sale of the environmental attributes, helping to meet the market’s growing demand for carbon removal and supply chain intervention projects.

Learn more about Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Buy Carbon Credits Now

Carbon Impact

The adoption of CarbiCrete’s technology at a typical plant producing concrete masonry units (CMUs) has a profound environmental impact on an annual basis:


tonnes of CO2/equivalent abated and removed


cubic metres of water saved


tons in landfill avoidance

Want to learn more about how CarbiCrete can help lower your costs and carbon footprint?

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