What if carbon-dioxide emissions could be transformed from a liability into an asset? That’s the $20-million question behind the NRG COSIA Carbon XPrize, a global competition to create technology that converts CO2 into valuable products. “In energy and climate, few ideas are as potentially transformative as the idea of turning the economics of CO2 and…

There are efforts underway today across Canada to reduce the climate impact of heavy industrial products, while also developing new markets and seizing economic opportunities. The technology that gets us there is CO2 conversion, and Canada is currently the world leader. But Canada needs to continue to invest in this exciting and growing sector, as…

Remarkably, the material that built the first modern civilization remains key to building today’s global economy. The cement we use in 2017 is not so different from the stuff used to build the concrete dome of the Roman Pantheon in 125 AD. What has changed is that today we use vastly greater quantities of the…

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